
Active Plus mask

A restorative and therapeutic mask for oily and unbalanced skin. Contains goat milk, chamomile extract, and aloe vera extract. Goat’s milk is rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are known to neutralize bacteria, and is effective in preventing various skin problems, such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Chamomile flower extract is recognized as an antiseptic and disinfectant. Helps in soothing irritations and redness in the skin and reducing inflammation, and contributes to the revitalization of the skin. Propolis extract consists of a viscous, black
substance produced by the honey bee from tree sap and flower pollen. Studies prove that the extract stimulates and accelerates the healing of external and internal wounds, and has pain-reducing properties. The aloe vera extract is proven to help in the treatment ofirritations and as a tissue regenerator.

User manual:
For professional use in the clinic, you must read the protocol before use!
Do not wash after application.

  • Not tested on animals.
  • Does not contain animal ingredients.
  • Israeli development and production
  • Without parabens

Recommendations for the combination will be given by a licensed beautician.

© AGAS Concept products are only available in authorized cosmetic salons.

Catalog number: 207157

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