ביו רג'ובניישן

Bio Rejuvenation

Active peeling that successfully fights the natural aging processes of the skin, helps in blurring wrinkles, renewing the skin, and firming and rejuvenating the skin. The peeling contains a mix of concentrated acids, including lactic acid. The lactic acid maintains the skin’s natural moisture and helps the antiaging process due to its effectiveness in preventing wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and pigmentation. The peeling contains vitamin A, known for its ability to encourage the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin. These properties contribute to firming, improving the water balance in the skin and the action of cell transplantation, therefore it is also suitable for the treatment of skin scars and post-acne treatments.

User manual:

  • use in the evening only.
  • frequency depends on the patient’s skin type.
  • apply an even layer of the cream.
  • Do not apply to a specific point.


  • Do not wash after application.
  • Not tested on animals.
  • Does not contain animal ingredients.
  • Israeli development and production
  • Without parabens

Recommendations for the combination will be given by a licensed beautician.

© AGAS Concept products are only available in authorized cosmetic salons.

Catalog number: 207317

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